Time is certainly one of our most precious assets in life. However, it is one to the most wasted resources daily. I highly suggest you read this post in order to change the way you use your time and start leaving your dream life.
Many people think and believe that they have no power over time. Let me surprise you; we do have power over time!!! When we become conscious of that power, the only question that arises at that moment is: “how?” Yes, how do we have power over time?
Indeed, we all have power over time; this is through two natural tools: our will and our actions. Many experts agree that today we are busier than ever before. But, when we pay attention to what really takes our time, we realize that we spend much time on activities that bring us little and more often no value. How many hours do we spend watching films, series or gossiping or even drinking in bars, (…)? Are we really being effective while doing that? Is that time working to realise our dream? We should all answer honestly to those questions.
From today, you can decide to start making good use of your time. It just depends on your choice; your will. All successful people on earth understood that principle. If you want to get a particular result, you should commit the relevant amount of time that is necessary. It is all about your will, your desire and your obsession to live your dream life. This “Will” will automatically lead you to take action.
In fact, make good use of time goes naturally with a good number of effective and efficient actions. Whatever your aspiration in life, whatever your short term, middle term or long term objective, it is the time spent on relevant activities that will determine your achievement. Then, once you make the evaluation of how you spend your time, you will realise what you are committed to.
Scientists recommend that since during a day we have twenty-four hours, we should take eight hours for work, eight hours for relaxation and the remaining eight hours for sleeping. This universal scientist suggestion is not only doable by everybody but is also suitable to keep a healthy life. We all have eighty-six thousand four hundred seconds per day and what really matters to you is the way you use it to live your dream.
Make good use of time simply means maximising every second we have to achieve our dream. Most of the time, it will require from us to prescribe to ourselves: no more TVs, no more parties or outings, no more play, etc. Because what we need to do is to focus on only one thing: our objective. That is most important; that is our priority. At that moment, we should say to ourselves that we are going to preserve our energy for our highest and best use.
Too many people complain, they do not have time, they are too busy to commit some time for their personal aspiration. Sorry, but that is a big lie. Some of them even think that they will have more time may be after graduation or retirement. Let me tell you, the truth is that the time of our life can only grow smaller and smaller from every second going forward because you can only lose time; when it comes to time, there is no catch-up!!! That is why you should impose to yourself some discipline.
Make good use of time to achieve your objectives demands to be self-discipline. Being self-discipline is to set your schedule according to your priorities. You should try at best as you can to make sure that life goes your way; that everything around you or related to your purpose follows your plan and not the contrary. You should stop being a victim of your environment; instead, you should being shaping it. You should stop thinking that you have all the time to accomplish this or that because it makes you waste time and it fits your lack of effective actions.
Therefore, stop being of those who only dream of a better life while wasting their time on irrelevant activities and become one who lives his/her dreams. Wake up from your slumber, stop chasing shadows and from now, make good use of time because you are the architect of your destiny.
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